Statement from JDB

Art, regardless of medium, is an act of creation that evokes, translates, and joins worlds. In my acts of creation, I seek to conjure up memories of experiences, good and bad, by formulating music and visuals that are texturally multi-dimensional and then heightening that experience even further. Above all, the art I create awakens within the listener things that have only been passively felt before. I Recall the most subtle nuances of life. I run my fingertips along the frayed edges of my favorite sweater or coat. I feel the wool, the cotton, the suede. I remember how my skin feels beneath it. I allow my ears to get lost on the transients of a phrase as it fades away into a distant memory. I repeat the process again and again and again. I explore the deep rhythmic frequencies of my favorite sentence, spoken by my favorite voice. I imagine the deepest red, almost black, crushed velvet. I run my hands against the grain and feel the texture as it fills the ridges of my fingerprints. It is soft. It is fluid, almost liquid. It resists my touch ever so slightly, creating a pleasant type of friction. Warmth. I listen to the sounds the actions create, like a quill calligraphy pen over thick vintage paper. I write. I invoke the memories of all of these things with my voice. I sing. That is my art.

Jupiter DuBois